Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brunel jobs in Nigeria(Coxswain)

Brunel consultant:  Thomas Javicoli +33 1 72 75 73 51
Job number:  33787
Publication date:  02-08-11
Weekly working hours: 40
Branch:  Production
Location:  Offshore Nigeria
Country:  Nigeria,
Brunel Energy provides specialist personnel to the international oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and construction industries. Our clients are predominantly major operating companies and international engineering or construction companies. Through a network of 35 offices in 5 continents (Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia) we currently second nearly 4,000 Technical Engineering Specialists to the largest multi-national Oil & Gas Companies and major EPC Contractors, through well established global supply agreements.
Our client is the fifth largest publicly-traded integrated international oil and gas company and a world-class chemicals manufacturer. The group operates in more than 130 countries and has 96, 950 employees.
Job description
Responsible for the safe operation and first line maintenance of the FPSO workboat
In charge workboat during its operation.
Ensure crew of workboat are trained in the safe operation of there duties while in the workboat
Act as PIC of lifeboats during drills and emergency situations
Support deck foreman and riggers in FPSO deck logistics operations such as loading and stowing cargo
Support deck foreman and riggers in FPSO first line deck maintenance
Support deck foreman and riggers in helicopter operations.
Job requirements

Coxswains or small boat certification required

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